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How to Get That Training Post in Ophthalmology: The Essential Guide to getting into an Ophthalmic Postgraduate Training Programme

How to Get That Training Post in Ophthalmology: The Essential Guide to getting into an Ophthalmic Postgraduate Training Programme

Paperback by Ang; Tan; Lai; Paranjothy; Chua

How to Get That Training Post in Ophthalmology: The Essential Guide to getting into an Ophthalmic Postgraduate Training Programme


Publication Date:
30 Nov 2010
Marudi Publishing
95 pages
For delivery:
Estimated despatch 31 Jul 2024
How to Get That Training Post in Ophthalmology: The Essential Guide to getting into an Ophthalmic Postgraduate Training Programme


Despite political, clinical and financial upheaval all around us, medicine still remains one of the best careers and ophthalmology, combining both medicine and surgery, is the jewel in the crown.

Many consider it as a Cinderella specialty, but this may be because they have never worked out which way up to hold an ophthalmoscope and are put off by the incomprehensible array of acronyms in ophthalmology notes.

I feel embarrassed to admit that after doing a combined surgical and ophthalmology house job I was given a recommendation to visit a unit on the South coast and meet the boss. I went. He shook my hand, told me to read all twelve volumes of Duke Elder, twice, and walked me over to Medical staffing and said "Sign here: "you've got the job!"

Things have changed a little since those days! Many others have seen the light and realise the potential of going into ophthalmology. The competition is keen. However, don't give up - read this marvellous guide and you will be equipped with more knowledge of how to achieve your goal than has ever been collated before. Just don't show it to anyone else!


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